1 Month Miscarriage and Medical Treatment Required

Miscarriage at any gestational age can be an emotional experience. In addition, many also questioned the medical treatment needed in dealing with it, including regarding the need for miscarriage 1 month to undergo the process of curettage. Without proper treatment, miscarriage can be fatal, not only for the fetus, but also for the mother. The main goal of treatment given by doctors, both during and after a miscarriage, is to avoid bleeding and infection.

Action Required

Miscarriages of 1 month or four weeks, including early stage miscarriages that generally occur under 12 weeks of pregnancy. To ensure a miscarriage, the doctor will conduct a pelvic examination and an ultrasound examination, as well as a blood test if needed. Pelvic examination is performed to determine the condition of the cervix (cervix). If a miscarriage occurs, the cervix will widen. While the ultrasound examination aims to detect the presence or absence of fetal heartbeat. The next action that can be done is a blood test, to see the levels of hCG in the blood. Low levels of hCG in pregnant women can indicate that the pregnancy is prone to miscarriage. In early pregnancy, levels of hCG in the blood should increase many-fold. Well, if from the examination results the doctor found a complete miscarriage and the uterus is clean of the fetus, then no action is needed. Doctors only need to monitor for a few moments. A complete miscarriage that occurs naturally, generally followed by bleeding around 7-10 days. However, it will really stop after 2-3 weeks. Conversely, if the results of the miscarriage are found incomplete, then the doctor will take action dilatation and curettage (D / C), which is better known to the public as a curette. In this procedure, the doctor will gradually widen the cervix, and remove the remaining placenta and fetus from the uterus. In addition, there are also choices in the form of drugs that can stimulate the body to remove the remaining placenta or fetus. The administration of this drug is mainly for women who have certain health conditions, or who need to avoid surgery.

Efforts to Get a Healthy Pregnancy

In the medical world, the term miscarriage is still used in pregnancies under the age of 20 weeks. Miscarriage can be identified by symptoms such as bleeding, cramps or abdominal pain, fever, weakness, and back pain. The most common cause of miscarriage in the early stages, including miscarriage 1 month, is the presence of embryo formation disorders caused by chromosomal abnormalities. This is generally not related to maternal health conditions. However, some disorders experienced by pregnant women can trigger miscarriages, including infections, diabetes, thyroid disease, hormonal disorders, the body's immune system response, and abnormalities in the uterus. Miscarriages caused by chromosomal abnormalities are difficult to prevent. However, expectant mothers can make several attempts before conception in order to get a healthy pregnancy, including improving eating patterns to be healthier, exercising regularly, maintaining ideal body weight, stopping smoking, and avoiding excessive stress. In addition, since the pregnancy planning period, expectant mothers are also encouraged to start taking folic acid supplements. For women who have miscarried more than two times in a row, the doctor may suggest a blood test, genetic tests, or other tests to find the cause of the miscarriage, so that it can be anticipated in the next pregnancy. If you suspect a miscarriage, including a 1 month miscarriage, check with your obstetrician immediately. The doctor will confirm your condition and determine the medical treatment that may be needed.


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